Delegate And Clean Up Your Act

Business can be hectic at the best of times. Everyone in your business has a role to play in making things tick along like clock work. In business you need to satisfy your customers, provide harmony and safety in the workplace, and a multitude of other tasks, the least of which is ensuring you make a profit.

A large part of customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as employee harmony & safety can be put down to providing a clean environment. This however is not something that happens with a snap of the fingers.

You have the option of having your employees being burdened with the role of cleaning your business on top of all their other functions. In a small business where there is plenty of down time this is a common option.

Another option is to delegate that role to a commercially trained cleaner, one that guarantees results. This option allows you and your employees to concentrate on the core of your business, doing what you do best.

When looking for a commercial cleaner to service your business I recommend using a cleaning service provider you can trust. That means one with a solid history in the cleaning business who has the experience and necessary know how to provide you with a service that maintains your workplace with a minimum of fuss. This means providing you with suitably trained cleaners, covered by the necessary insurances and have undergone appropriate background checks.

So remember, don’t burden your staff with cleaning your premises and don’t settle for second rate cleaning, delegate that responsibility to the cleaning professionals. Also, when seeking out professional cleaners, ensure they have the experience, workplace practices and backup to ensure your business is cleaned to your satisfaction.

Spring Time in Melbourne – So Let’s Clean!

For many spring cleaning can be such a chore. You can approach it in a variety of ways, first of which is to just avoid getting started at all. Avoidance is the most commonly used tactic when it comes to the annual spring clean. Unfortunately, while this approach takes little of your time and effort, the results will be far from desirable. There’s gotta be a better way. And there is.

Hire a cleaning service to do the hard, laborious, painstaking work for you. Of course I would say that, wouldn’t I. In fact don’t hire any cleaning service, for a cleaning service with the best results you’ll need to hire the best cleaning service in the business. Hillson Cleaning Services comes to mind.

For those of you who are gluttons for punishment, have masochistic tendencies or one of those rare people who just get great joy out of spring cleaning we’ve come up with some helpful hints on spring cleaning in your home.

  1. Prepare for D-Day – Ensure you have all the supplies and equipment necessary to complete the job required. This is a spring clean. There’s no room for doing the job half-heartedly. Psyche yourself up, set aside time to complete the job thoroughly and ensure no interruptions.
  2. One step at a time – Spring cleaning can be overwhelming for the uninitiated. The trick is to take it one room at a time. This can even be broken down further to a closet or a cupboard at a time. Whilst the task will seem never ending eventually you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Reward yourself by taking a long look and admiring your handy work at the completion of each room.
  3. De-clutter – But for a few unconventional people, we humans have lodged deep in our DNA the uncanny ability to hoard the most useless bits and pieces imaginable. The spring clean is that special time of year where we have to make that all important decision – ‘Do I really need that?’ Odds are if you do ask yourself that question then you don’t really need it. Toss it to the schizenhowzen.
  4. Top to Bottom – When cleaning the room one must start at the top of the room an work your way down. To begin with remove any cobwebs often found around the cornices, clean the light fittings then wipe down and remove marks from walls and tiles. Windows will need to be cleaned, ledges dusted, bench tops, cupboards – inside and out, furniture, architraves. You name it, you clean it. Spring cleaning means everything in the room gets special attention and every item that is cleaned is done so meticulously.
  5. Rest and recline – Cleaning is hard work. You have probably used muscles you never new you had and they will remind you of it the coming days. So now that the work is done it’s time to shower, relax and pamper yourself. Take pride in your work and rest easy knowing that spring cleaning comes but once a year.