The Lowdown on Cleaning Washrooms & Toilets

So you’ve drawn the short straw and it’s up to you to clean the toilets. Good luck with that, this can be dangerous stuff. You may be facing high concentrations of bacteria (Yuck!), which have the potential to pass on diarrhea or vomiting (Double Yuck!!).

Don’t let this disturb you though. Consider the fact that regular, sanitary cleaning of washrooms and toilets are the only way to reduce bacteria numbers and prevent cross contamination.

Here are some tips for you on how to get the job done hygenically and with a minimum amount of fuss, first of all we require the proper equipment:

Rubber Gloves used specifically for the toilet – a must to form a barrier between you and those darstardly germs. Make sure you then don’t use those same gloves cleaning elsewhere, we don’t want to cross contaminate now do we.

Other products required are a toilet brush, toilet bowl cleaner, sponge, cloths or disposable paper towels and disinfectant.

So lets get started. First of all let’s don those all important gloves and wipe down the toilet with the use of a damp sponge to remove excessive grime.

Next, it’s time to enter the bowl of terror, where all those nasties are likely to reside. Reach for the toilet brush and toilet bowl cleaner, squirt the cleaner making sure you reach up under the rim. Scrub the bowl thoroughly removing any stains and paying special attention to any marks on the bowl caused by mineral deposits from the water. Flush the toilet whilst still scrubbing with the brush, thus cleaning the brush in the process. Repeat the process by again adding the toilet bowl cleaner into the bowl and scrub. This time do not flush, allow the coloured-aromatic cleaner to become diluted in the toilet bowl water.

Let’s return to the exterior of the toilet. Spray with disinfectant then wipe down with a cloth or paper towel. Make sure you get into all the nooks and crannies. Spray and clean the exterior of the bowl, under the seat to the rim of the bowl. Clean on and under the seat, top and bottom of the toilet lid and the cistern – paying special attention to the flush button (an area where bacteria is likely to accumulate). Finally, don’t forget to clean the commonly neglected front and back areas of the bowl.

The toilet is now clean, so let’s look to the surronding areas. Look behind the toilet for any hidden grime, wipe down the wall/tiles surrounding the toilet and disinfect the toilet door handle.

The washroom usually consits of a basin and mirror. Use windex to clean the mirror leaving it streak free. Clean and disinfect the basin and its tapware. Again, make sure you clean in the nooks and crannies. This may require the use of a toothbrush to scrub those hard to get areas. Finally, it’s time to clean and mop the floors.

Stand back and admire your handy work. You deserve it. Well done!

Hillson July News Update

It’s the beginning of the new financial year so it’s time to square off the ledger, take stock and focus on what’s ahead for the business.

Hillson remains a family run business that specialises in providing that personal touch to its customers. Whilst our customer base expands It’s our faith in our highly trained cleaners, their regular supervision, the use of quality equipment and products that give us the confidence and strong belief that we will maintain our customers satisfaction and loyalty.

Whether your business be a commercial office, educational institution, medical facilty, in the hospitality or the retail industry, Hillson has the solutions to ensure high quality standards of public health and cleanliness in the workplace.

And here’s to TFU, our newest customer. Be assured our mission is to ensure yours and all our customers satisfaction. You won’t be disappointed.